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Madison Park Healthcare


At Madison Park

You will find a caring, professional staff committed to your happiness and well-being. You can choose from an array of social events or enjoy the privacy of your personal comfortable suite.

After a weekend with your loved ones, or a shopping excursion, you'll come home to a truly delicious and inviting dinner served in our exquisite dining room while enjoying an evening filled with fun and laughter.

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Madison Park Health Care has both private and semi-private accommodations as well as suites.

From sunny porches to cozy sitting areas, Madison Park gives a feeling of home. Residents and their families can appreciate the peace of mind knowing that assistance is available 24 hours a day.

Guests are warmly welcomed and easily entertained in the pleasant surroundings. Other features that make living at Madison Park safe, comfortable and convenient are:

  • Private Suites in a variety of floor plans which include a single bedroom to an exclusive suite

  • Cable television and an emergency response system in each suite

  • Madison Avenue Hair Design

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